Industrial solutions / Clients’ stories

Typography and Copy Center Network.

Staff: 26 people.
Number of machines: 14.

Key Outcomes:

Increase OEE by 10-15%.
Achieve 85-90% machine utilization rate, up from the previous 70%.
Decrease defect rate by 20-30%.
Increase job completion rate by 15-20%.
Improve Customer Satisfaction Score CSAT by 10-15 points.

Ampelus plus Typography
Ampelus plus Service Department for Household and Industrial Equipment

Service Department for Household and Industrial Equipment.

Staff: 3 people.
Number of machines: 0.

Key Outcomes:

Increase First-Time Fix Rate by 20-25%.
Reduce Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) by 30-35%.
Improve Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) by 15-20 points.

Machine Building Enterprise.

Staff: 103 people.
Number of machines and sections: 43.

Key Outcomes:

Increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) by 15-20%.
Achieve 90-95% machine utilization rate, up from the previous 80%.
Reduce setup and changeover times by 25-30%.
Improve On-Time Delivery (OTD) performance by 10-15%.
Enhance Employee Satisfaction Score (ESS) by 15-20 points.

Ampelus plus Machine Building Enterprise.

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